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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Dog and Cat Adoption

Adoption of dogs and cats mostly done in animal shelters, Such as  Pondok Pengayom Satwa (Indonesia). Animal adoption is usually done by visiting and paying adoption fees were animal get sheltered. But in certain circumstances animal adoption can be obtained for free.
Other case, adoption dogs cats usually occurs in lucky animals which meet with animal lovers who want to adopt.  They find it around them, adopt it based on love and care about the suffering of these animals. Although there are certain people adopted dogs and cats was raised for food as livestock like in certain human ethnic.In doing this adoption, the process of adjustment of animals to the environment can occur in fast or slow depending on the proficiency level of man who take care of it.  he must gain the trust of the animals adopted. in the early time.  This process is also influenced by the temperament of the animal which is adopted.  In some pet, dogs and cats that have  high degrees of pressure usually will always exhibit  behaviors persist when compared to the behavior of animals that used to live with good human. If an unpleasant situation and according to the animal instincts can interfere with they survival, defensive behavior will turn into aggressive behavior that can cause injury to the animal lovers. These things can be overcome by using a tool which aims to control the of aggressiveness behavior or to provide a specific place that served as insulation such as animal adoption isolation cage, muzzle (safety dog's mouth) and others.For  adoption of animals, animal health status at the time of the adoption needs to be known, especially if you already have another pets in your house which will contact with your adopted pets.  you should be improve the health status of the animal adoptions if it have a poor health status. To determine the health status of your adoption animals, it can be done with animal checked by a veterinarian and should be immediately followed by giving vaccine following a vaccine program for dogs or cat.The number of animals raised also be considers by animal lovers including financial  resources, health facilities for pet which is owned by animal lovers include determining how much free time available to chat with your pet is.  in terms of environmental sanitation is also an important factor to be taken for the welfare of animals and humans as a pet owner. Poor sanitation of environment can result in the transmission of animal diseases to human such as Toxoplasmosis etc.

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